“BTH Tactical” is the name of the investment approach developed by Barry Hirowatari, a Portfolio Manager with Aventine Management Group Inc., over his 20-plus years of professional investing experience. Barry is a registered as a Portfolio Manager with Aventine Management in the provinces of BC and Alberta. This website and all of the materials contained on it are to provide information about Barry Hirowatari, his team, his approach and the various strategies for which he is the lead Portfolio Manager.
Our non-traditional investment vehicle chooses a variety of stock and asset classes. Each investment is dynamic and can be sold in favour of a trending stock or better market sector.
Each strategy is made up of North American stocks as well as investment holdings in less correlated asset classes such as cash, bonds, or precious metals reducing downside risk.
We only purchase stocks in companies that pass a discerning screening process to assess current earning potential and we strictly adhere to a hard wired sell discipline based on trends and prices.